Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Traveling Through Ancient Greece

We are getting into our European Literature book this month, Adventures in Ancient Greece by Linda Bailey. Student are invited to visit the website "Adventures in Ancient Greece", by following the link below. Come back and make a comment on what you learned from this site:

This is an educational website aimed at children studying Ancient Greek History. Children will find it both educational and entertaining as they interact and take part in games while learning about the way of life in Ancient Greece.

Have fun in Ancient Greece!

Ms.Launey and Mrs.Lopez


Anonymous said...

I learned a lot about ancient greece in the game. Like how Sparta was surronded by mountains to keep trustpasser out.I learned about the differnt Gods & Goddesses. Did you know Zeus was the god of weather and of the gods.Did you also know that Arthemis was the Goddess of the moon, hunting & children.I learned about Spartans, Gods, Goddesses, the parthanon,Sparta,Athens & Etc.

~ Alexis A. ML#1 :)

Anonymous said...

I learned a lot about ancient greece in the game. Like how Sparta was surronded by mountains to keep trustpasser out.I learned about the differnt Gods & Goddesses. Did you know Zeus was the god of weather and of the gods.Did you also know that Arthemis was the Goddess of the moon, hunting & children.I learned about Spartans, Gods, Goddesses, the parthanon,Sparta,Athens & Etc.

~ Alexis A. ML#1 :)

Anonymous said...

I learned a lot about Ancient Greece! That game is so cool, it helps you learn more about Greece in a fun way! I learned about the gods and goddesses, the Parthenon, sparta, And about Zeus.
Sky ml#11

Anonymous said...

I just played a awesome game on Adventures in Ancient Greece and some new words.


Anonymous said...


I learned that there were 12 gods on Mount Olympus. The quiz was a lot of fun I only did the Mount Olymus quiz but i will do more quizes.


Anonymous said...

Why were the people who participate in the olympics naked?


Anonymous said...

I was most interested about the art. and about ancient treasurs and archiology.

Anonymous said...

I agree Sky! I too learned all about that!I took the quizes and on the one about Sparta I got all of them right! That is a very fun way to learn about...... GREECE!

~Sydney ML#9

Anonymous said...

Hey!Did you learn a lot about ancient Greece cause I did? If you did tell me about it! Kay?

Sky ML#11

Anonymous said...

Did you like adventures in Ancient Greece?Cause I shure did.
