Have you been wondering why we have had so many visits on our blog from Canada? Well, I am so excited to tell you why! A college class from the University of Regina in Canada is studying our blog. They are going to college to learn how to become awesome teachers. The class that they are taking is teaching them how to use technology to teach and communicate with students. We should feel really special that some of the college students chose our blog to study for their college project. Nicole is one of those students! We will see her commenting and asking questions so that she can learn from our blog. Here is a short video to introduce Nicole to you. Have a question about Nicole? about college?about Canada? ask away. Leave your question in the comment section and she will reply to you there.
hey ms. launey i can't belive you've been out so long!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want you to check out my blog
I know I can't belive you've been out that long! We miss you! Guess what?I made a blog,its called Sydney-kids-are-the-best-.blogspot.com Alivia helped me make it and we put the class blog on my blog and Greece 4 kids and other cool websites.
I tried your blog and it didn't work. Cut and paste the address into an email and send it to me so I can check it. Did you teach yourself how to make a blog? Wow. I'm impressed!
Oh, and watch the video about Nicole and leave a comment here to tell her something about our class or about yourself. Also you can ask her a question!
I like it that college students are learning from our blog. Nicole, did you mean in Canada there's 1000 or ware you came from.Do you have a room mate,and is she studying our blog too.-Morgan #rp5
hope you feel bettter Ms.Launey. I hope you feel better.
Alexis A.
So nice to put a face with the name Nicole! Thanks for making that video for the kids to meet you. We're looking forward to learning from you! :)
Morgan, the town in which I grew up in there was only 1000 people.
I actually have three roommates, and they are all pretty awesome! They will not be commenting on your blog as I have been, since they are not in the same class as I am.
What grade are you going to teach??I like it that you are looking at our blog!!!
I am hoping to teach grade 9-12, but any grade would be fun to teach. I really enjoy looking at your blog to see what your class is up to!
Do you know what school you are going to teach?
And what grade are you going to teach? Thank you for picking our blog!!!!
Grace ML#10
Wow.Now I know who you are!well I hope you have a great time stuying our Chets Creek Elementry School Blogspot. -KIALA RP#8 PS:HAVE A GOOD TIME BEING A WONDERFUL TEACHER!!!!!!
what would your teacher name be??
what is your teachers name?? what
school would you teach??
hey nicole go check your school blog i left a note for you and your friends. love monica
Nicole,how big is university of
regina?big?medium?or small?
are you gonna be a teacher where we are?ricardo rp#9
Hi Nicole when you are going to be a teacher what grade and what school are you going to teach?
Love:Arielle DL#18
Dear Nicole,
What subject are you going to teach?I also whant to know what your favorite subject in school is.
Casey DL#2
Hi nichole!! I am maddie,what grade are you going to teach? also, how old are you?when are you going to teach? please write back.
sincerly, maddie
where are you going to teach?Are you going to teach in Canada or some where else?It would be cool if you are going to teach here in Florida. That would be a long trip!
Sky ML #11
dear nicole dose cadana still have the bluejays. justin
dear nicole is cnaden bakein relly just slised ham
jeremie k. #rp11
Hi Nicole,
I am so glad that you picked our blog!Do you like what we have put on our blog so far?Well,keep visiting our blog because we are going to be adding a lot of things!
Love,Tatiana AP#11
Hi Nicole!Can you send us pictuers of your university?I'm exsited to see what collage is like.
Thank you
Love,Christiana AP#12
Hi! my name is Christian. I really want to check out your blog. I am looking forward to going to Collage myself.
Sincerelly Cristian
Hey guys!
I'll write a little bit more about myself in this comment (I am impressed by the number of comments; I am not used to having so many people want to know more about me).
The University I am attending is medium-sized I would say, but I really like it. I am hoping to teach grade 9-12 math and english, but am prepared to teach anything when I complete university.
As for my favourite subject in high school, I would have to say mine was definately math. I have always liked numbers!
I'm going to try to take some pictures of the University that I am attending (and even my apartment, where I live) soon. It may take me a week or so to finish it all, but I will be sure to e-mail it to your teachers so it can be posted on here.
Check out my blog as well: http://vancaesn@uregina.ca and you guys can also e-mail me if you would like: nicole_vancaeseele23@hotmail.com
Hi! my name is Niko and I wanted to ask you what is your biggest hobbie? Myn is playing baseball it's very fun please comment back Niko ML#2
I Nicole our class wants to know alot about you!Coment on our blog soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
-Kristin B.ML#3
what state would you be teaching in??
write back: Jaeda #6
Hey Nicole are you going to move some were else and teach?(try teaching in Jacksonvill and at Chets Creek Elementary)
From:Arielle DL#18
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