Our E.L.A. classes did a wonderful job studying Greece. We learned so much about the country of Greece through our "video vacations" with
Samantha Brown, the
Adventures in Ancient Greece book study, and our group research projects (displayed outside of Ms.Launey's and Mrs.Lopez's classrooms). We even met a Greek girl named Amarandi, who taught us many things about her country through
her website. We were super excited when she came and visited us on our blog! We will remember everything we experienced as we pack our bags and begin our journey through

Our first German activity is a web field trip over to the
Germany for Kids site. There you will meet a cool cartoon character named Philipp. His site has lots of information about cities, the Berlin Wall, food, music, school, and lots of other fun stuff about Germany.
Your bonus assignment this week is to travel to the site and learn all you can about Germany. Then come back here and comment about what you learned. (Give at least 2 facts that you learned to earn a Behavior Buck.) Have a great trip!
Ms.Launey and Mrs.Lopez
What a fun assignment! I have a friend in Germany and everytime I call his house I have to do the math in my head to figure out what time it is there. And then I always think I have the wrong number when his answering machine picks up and speaks German - then I remember...oh, yeah....he speaks German too. It is Germany after all!
Dear Ms. Launey
It was fun learning about Germany. I learned a lot of cool facts. I wish I were in Germany during Christmas because you can open all the presents on Christmas Eve (24th) before eating dinner. Then everyone goes to church. They celebrate for two days, the 25th and the 26th.
Germans go to elementary school from the first grade to the fourth grade. When they get to the fifth grade, they go to a place called Gymnasium for 8 years to prepare for college.
Lots of famous people come from Germany such as Albert Einstein.
Thank you for giving us this assignment. I learned a lot about Germany.
Erina RP#19
Did You Know?
That the Capital of Germany is Berlin.
Their was alot of COOL stuff on that site that I learned. I wish I could go to germany. I wish Christmas here was like Christmas in Germany. 2 days of celebrating. That would be fun.
Did You Know?
Germany's sometime called
National sport is Soccer.
Their is lots of differnt foods in germany such as BratWurst, Sauerkraut, Black Forest Cake, and Gummybears.The only type of food that I have tried in America that is in Germany is Gummybears.
In Germany the wear clothes just like what we wear.That is pretty cool.
Did You Know?
Many Famous people such as
Such as Bach, Beethoven,
and Albert Einstein.
~ Alexis A. ML#1
I learned that Germans celebrate Karneval(carnival)on December25 and it's one of the special German seosons.-KIALA RP#8
What i learned in Germany is...
That Berlin is the capital of Germany it is also one of the largest cities and most famous cities in Germany.
One of the other things i learned in Germany isthat some of the food you would eat bratrust,sauerkrat;gummtbears,and blackforest cake.
-Casey #2DL
I liked “Germany for Kids” because it had lots of facts about Germany.
I learned that Berlin is the capital of Germany. Also that Christmas is a big holiday in Germany. Christmas trees, Advent calendars and singing carols are all traditions that came from Germany.
Germans have many varieties of food, like bratwurst, sauerkraut, gummy bears and Black Forest Cake.
Germans wear the same every day clothes as Americans
Germany sounds like a fun place to live.
Lauren M. ML #13
I learned that there was somthing called Black Forest Cake in Germany.
Also when your in 5th grade you graduated from elementery school.
If I was going to go to Germany I would be eating a lot of gummy worms.
I learned that Philipp is a 11-year-old boy and Philipp lives in Frankfurt, Germany. Berlin is the capital of Germany. Oktoberfest happens every year. Bobby.D ML#7 10/8/08
Leared that when you are in 5th grade you are graduating from elementry school.
And did you know that Christmas trees,singing corals, and calenders are all traditions that came from Germany?
ML#10 Grace
Hi! That is so cool how on Cristmas Eve before eating dinner you get to open your presents, so on Cristmas Eve to us it is actually Cristmas there! Erina I totally agree with you on that Germany is way cool and the facts are cool too, same with you Alexis.
Did you know
that The Berlin Wall was dividing East Berlin and West Brelin? Also in 1989 in the fall the people in East Germany wanted to be able to travel whenever they wanted. The Berlin Wall began to fall then on October 3, 1990 East and West Berlin were no longer seprated!
Sky ML#11
I loved learning about Germany.One fact that I learned was that the capital of Germany is Berlin. Another fact about Germany is that Germany has been the host World Cup,the world championship of Soccer,two times.
-Abby #23
Well that was so cool, all of those things about Germany were so cool like,...
Berlin is the capital of Germany.It's also the biggest and most famous cities of them all un Germany.
Christmas is a very,very,very big holiday in Germany.Did you konw?.... That Christimas trees,advent calendars, and singing carols such as, "o, Christmas tree" are all traditions that came from Germany? I got to open my presents on December 24, before we eat and go to church.Then they keep celebrating for 2 more days - December 25 and December 26.
-Kristin B.ML#3 10/09/08
I learned that Berlin is the capitol of Germany for starters. I also learned that gummy bears were invented in Germany.
Andy ML #16 AM class
I liked learning about Germany. One thing I learned was that FuBball (soccer) is sometimes called the national sport of Germany because so many people play it. Another thing I learned is That their summer vacation is usually only 6 weeks long.
-Jake ML15 Class 1
In Munich,Germany is where Germans have a huge Oktoberfest which is one of the biggest parties in the world!
If you go to Dresden in Eastern Germany is where people go to see a famous painting by Raphael Sanzio called "The Sistine MAdonna" because they are two little angels. Sydney Ml#9
I learned that many people play soccer in Germany.I also learned that people in Germany were the same tipe of clothing.
I learned that the capital of Germany is Berlin. The Oktoberfest is one of the biggest parties in the world that happens every year. Germany also has castles that are hundreds of years old. It was also interesting to learn about the Berlin Wall. It was built to divide the east and west sides of Germany. Many families were separated for 28 years. The wall finally came down in 1989 and the people came together again. This was my favorite part!
-Sarah RP#4
I went to the Germany for kids site. I learned that they spell October and carnival with a k. I also learned that they celebrate Christmas for three days in a row. It was very interesting learning about Germany.
Morgan #5RP
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