Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jan.12-15 Weekly Wrap-Up

Make sure you watch this report with your parents and have them leave a comment! You will be awarded 5 behavior bucks!


Dorry Lopez said...

Hi Kids! All of you did a fabulous job at news reporting! I am so very proud of your communication skills! You rock at reporting the news and conveying all that is happening at 4-Corners Campus! Your adorable personalities came out as you dramatized our learning for the week. Keep up the high standards at LLPP Learning Community!

Mrs. Lopez-Sinclair

Anonymous said...

Great job on the news! It was better than the nightly news to listen to. Looking forward to hearing the report about the coming week.
Wendy Halderman
Michelle's Mom

Anonymous said...

Awesome job, 4th graders! I agree with Michelle's mom - much better than the evening news!!! I particularly enjoyed seeing and hearing about the activities you participated in for learning to infer. The FCAT's going to be a breeze for all of you! Can't wait for next week's video! Have a great week!!!!

Melissa Forrest
Dakota's Mom

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your reports & look forward to seeing more in the future! Also very cool that you wrote your own scripts. Great Job!

Gina Schneider
Emily's Mom

Anonymous said...

Christopher and I viewed the video. The kids did a fantastic job. The script was very creative.
Tim Ravn Christopher's Dad

Anonymous said...

Love the four corners news program. Nice work! And thanks for the updates.

Blair Korman
Ryan's Mom

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the kids who reported the news this week! You keep getting better and better. I can't wait to see next week's report! I also want to thank the teachers for helping the kids and putting this together. It's a great program!

Sandra Martinez
(Tatiana's mom)

Anonymous said...

I love this show! It is amazing.It keeps getting better and better.I can't wait to see the next sgow that is coming up.Where I am an
ancker.Keep working hard!

Tatiana AP#11

Anonymous said...

i think everybody did a fantastic job! ricardos mom.

Anonymous said...

Sarah and I really enjoyed the broadcast. Well done to everyone.Paul(Sarahs dad)Sarah C. rp#4.