Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

Dear Students,

Your teachers certainly hope that you will remember this special and historical day for a very long time! Have you shared the experience with your families of watching the Inauguration on television today while at school with your classmates? Did someone else in your family also watch (or possibly attend) this memorable event?
Think about the words that were spoken and all of the patriotism and pride evident throughout the entire ceremony. Also, reflect on the part of today's ceremony today that meant the most to you and share your thoughts with someone you care about.
If you are eager to learn more about this memorable day, check out the NEW presidential blog! If you choose to visit this site to learn more, be sure to come back and make a comment to this post to share what you have learned. Enjoy!

1 comment:

kristin said...

I am so happy that you allowed our children to take part in watching history being made! (the middle school did not get to se it!)