One-half of 16 is 8 square units.
One-fourth of 16 is 4 square units.
One-eighth of 16 is 2 square units.
Through the use of this area model, we are also recognizing equivalent fractions as well as combinations of fractions and their sums.
One-half is equal to two-fourths and is equal to four-eighths.
One-fourth + one-fourth has the sum of one-half.
One-eighth + one-eighth has the sum of one-fourth.
The next "family" we will work with is one-third, one-sixth, and one-twelfth.
Can you determine, using doubling and halving, what the NEXT fraction in this family is?
Hey guys!
Have fun learning about fractions (you will use them for the rest of your lives!) It sounds like you have a good handle on what they are. Good luck on the rest of your unit, I know you all will do wonderful!
The fractions that wedid were so FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I hope we do it again SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love,Tatiana AP#11
Hi Mrs. Phillips,
Love this entry about fractions!! Can I borrow this for my blog????
Mrs. Rabe
soon to be any way hee hee
aka Ms. Anderson
The fractions were so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!
I learned a lot.
Grace ML#10
I love learning stuff about fractions.It is so fun.
~Alexis A.
Fractions are so cool.I think it is cool because,I thought that 1/6 was bigger than 1/3.the reason why i thought that was 6 was bigger than 3 and 3 is half of 6.So that's what i thought before but, not anymore.
wow a lot of cool fractions!!!!!!!!
I think that the next fraction will be 1/24
From:Arielle DL#18
love fractions.....interesting lesson.....thank you for making learning fun.
morgan's grandma
Hello, this is Janine from the University of Regina. It looks like you are learning a lot about fractions! They are very helpful to know! Especially if you ever cook or bake! Good luck as you continue to learn about them!
I think that the next fraction family wiil be one-twentyfourth.I just used the doubling and halving rule.
Lauren S. DL #16
I never knew that 1/8 + 1/8 equaled 1/4 but now i do.Also i did not know that fractions are the other way around for example 12+12 equals 6 so as you can see i learned a lot about fractions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Kristin B.:) ML#3
Happy thanksgiving on Thursday!!!!:)
the fractions we did were loads of awsomnis i loved them.
love monica rp#6 november 24 2008
I'm surly glad that you put this post HERE,because I really did not understand fractions that much;including my family members. PS:I'm really glad that were starting a fraction project,now that I'm getting to know fractoins a bit BETTER. ALSO I LOVE YOU MRS.PHILLIPS AND MR.PINCOT. YOUR REALLY THE BEST TWO TEACHERS I EVER SEES;EVEN THOUGH I'M NEW TO THIS SCHOOL.-KIALA RP#8
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