It is set in a town called Squawk Valley where Thanksgiving turkeys have become way to smart! (They don't just jump into pots anymore.) The townspeople hatch a clever plan and host a turkey-themed arts and crafts fair to lure a turkey into town by advertising a need for a turkey model. This model needed to be the perfect specimen, plump and perky. Peter the Turkey, a proud and conceited turkey takes the bait, but turns out to be smarter than the townspeople bargained for.
This was a fun read for this time of year. After being challenged by Principal Phillips to use technology when responding to this book of the month, the 4 corners team E.L.A. classes worked very hard to be creative and tech-savvy. The students created posters inviting Pete the Turkey to Chets Creek. They had to find a way to lure the turkey to Chet's Creek Elementary without him being wise about his purpose...becoming our Thanksgiving Feast. We then created flickr slideshows to display our very creative posters. Check out our posters below:
Two risk taking students went above and beyond when they wrote and performed a "Perky Turkey" Rap. Check out their rap below:
We hope you enjoyed our technology inspired responses to the book of the month!
Ms.Launey and Mrs. Lopez-Sinclair