We added additional distinguishing features to our plant cell, including green candy (chloroplasts) and Pretzel sticks (cell wall).
The students really enjoyed this hands-on experience. What a fun way to learn to distinguish between the two types of cells and to grasp all of the unfamiliar vocabulary related to cells as we prepare to transition our focus into learning about six major human body systems! Science is Fun!
Students, are you interested in a fun way to review for your Cells Assessment? Click this link for a virtual tour of cells: Click Me.
Sounds like a fun learning activity, but I'm hoping you didn't eat it all in one setting. Not sure about the combo. :) Can you say...sugar rush.
I love the virtual tour of the cell. I bookmarked it in delicious for future use.
I liked the cookies but I bet real cells dont taste that good.
Ap#9 Min
i agree with min even thow i wasent there
monica rp6
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