Monday, October 4, 2010

Going Once, Going Twice, Sold To The Highest Bidder!

Everyone loves what money can buy! Our students are no exception. Each day, students are “caught doing the right thing”, and they are rewarded with Behavior Bucks! These bucks can be earned by participating in class, giving an exceptional response, exceeding the standard, showing improvement in a specific area, doing something extraordinary, helping someone in need, etc. We love to build great character and strong students by catching our students doing what is right. Every other Wednesday, the 4-Corners' teachers hold a huge auction where our students get to bid for items of their choice. All students who have earned an “A” in Conduct the week of the Auction and the week before the Auction are able to participate. Students have an “A” if they have two or less infractions for the week. The Auction is an anticipated event and is a highlight in the lives of our 4-Corners students. Our Auction is made possible by the generous donations from our parents. Our students love candy, books, toys, movies, stuffed animals, jewelry, art supplies, music, etc. Anything at all is appreciated by our students, so please keep donating. When your child donates, Behavior Bucks are given in return to say “thanks” for giving. Check out our Auction in action!

Auction from Dorry Lopez on Vimeo.


The Gannams said...

Love seeing how that auction works. I will be sure to send some items in. Thanks so much for sharing!

Melanie Holtsman said...

I've heard about the auction for years, but it was so much fun to SEE it! I love the way that Mr. Pinchot and Ms. Phillips "sell" the item with a little commercial with it's features. :)
Thanks for posting the video Mrs. Lopez-Sinclair!!!

Dorry Lopez said...
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Dorry Lopez said...

Thank you, Melanie and Joy, for your nice comments! I am so glad that you enjoyed the video and have a better understanding of what it is all about.

Anonymous said...

Awesome open house! Thanks for all you do!!1


Anonymous said...

Kamelia is very exicted to use her Behavior Bucks at the next auction. With all her Bucks from her A+ and her 100%, she is racking them up now. And, open house was wonderful. Thank you teachers!

Dorry Lopez said...

We are so happy to hear that you are excited to use your Behavior Bucks at the next Auction! I love to hear that you are racking up the Behavior Bucks, because that means that you are doing lots of great things! I am so glad to hear that your parents enjoyed Open House. You are an angel to teach, and we are so lucky to have you as our student.

Mrs. Lopez-Sinclair

Anonymous said...

Tori has told me many times how exciting and fun the auction is. This is a wonderful opportunity to see for myself. What a great idea! Thanks so much for a wonderful open house and all that the teachers do!!!!

Anonymous said...

I watched the auction video. It was really cool. ---Caleb

Anonymous said...

I have heard how fun the auctions are and enjoyed getting to see one for myself. Its a really neat thing that you all do for the kids. You can tell from the video they all love it. Thank you!
- Leanne P

Patricia Wallace said...

My child LOVES auction days. It's amazing how quickly they can figure out what they want, how much they have and plan for the next time.

What I think the video wasn't able to truly capture was the excitement of each child after an auction. My child can't wait to tell me about what was purchased. The best stories are of the bids lost or almost lost. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I know you have a Tweetie Bird in stalk. I LOVE Tweetie Bird. I have 882 Behavior Bucks I think. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't get Tweetie. I love it how he says, "I tought I taw a putty tat. I did, I did tee a putty tat!"
