Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Community Contributions

Our third grade students in the 4-corners classes sure have caught the spirit of giving. Each day in all four classes, students have been bringing in canned, bagged, and boxed non-perishable food for the needy. They have also been bringing in pet bedding, blankets, cages, and treats for our homeless furry friends at the Humane Society. Here's how it happened: After brainstorming with our students about what we could do to help others and give back to the community, they came up with these two service projects. They wanted to collect as much food as they could for the hungry to brighten up their holidays and fill their stomachs. They also wanted to provide homeless dogs and cats with a more comfortable environment while they are patiently waiting to be adopted. Because of the kindness and empathy of our students, these two projects came to fruition. We are collecting for those less fortunate until this Friday, December 11th. Stay tuned to a future blog which will let you know how much we collected. Our students are so excited to experience the kind and simple act of giving. They realize that when we reach out and give to others, we touch lives, and really can make a difference in this world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are both great projects and I'm so glad you did them -- they are such good experiences for the kids.
-- Leanne Prendergast