Last week during Writer's Workshop, we created a list of thing writers can write about to add to our Writer’s Journals. These topics are called “Seed Ideas”, because like seeds, they will grow…into a story. We gathered ideas by sketching, collecting pictures from magazines and personal photos, writing down our wonderings, and paying close attention to the world around us and listing the things that we noticed. These Seed Ideas may eventually grow into fictional stories, personal narratives, reports, persuasive writing, poems, or functional writings.
Next week we will be focusing on choosing a seed idea for a personal narrative and developing a plan for our story. Personal narratives allow you to share your life with others. Your job as a writer is to put the reader in the midst of the action by letting him or her live through an experience. A good story creates a dramatic effect, makes us laugh, gives us pleasurable fright, and/or gets us on the edge of our seats. It is important that the students choose a seed idea from a personal memory that will develop into an engaging story.
Behavior Buck Challenge:
Students- Do you want to earn 5 Behavior Bucks this week? All you have to do is sit down with a parent and teach them about the parts of your Writing Journal. Then with your parent, choose some seed ideas that may turn into a great personal narrative and post them on our blog. By sharing ideas and reading what others have to say, we will learn and grow as writers. Good luck!
Seed Idea from Clay (and his mom):Tell about your most fun 'out to dinner' experience!
Seed idea from Jordan B and Mom: Tell a story about his surgery experience or tell about this summer's vacation experience.
Seed idea from Nathan (and his mom): Tell about going to your uncle and aunt's house in another state BY YOURSELF - no parents or sister!
Seed idea from Emily P. and her Mom: Tell about your experience on the Disney Cruise, or going to visit family from out of town. Tell about any sports competitions you have been in.
Seed idea from Logan Futch and her Mom: Write about the time that you broke your arm!
Seed idea from Mia C. and her Mom: Write about how much fun I have in gymnastics competitions.Write about my adventures with my sister Mya.
Seed idea from Katelyn and her mom: You can write about your 8th birthday party or the fun you have at Adventure Landing.
Camden and Mom would like to talk about visiting a place called The Coral CAstle in Miami, Fl where a man built his bride a house and the house and everything in it is made from coral. He also only used his hands-no power machinery!!
From Emily O and mom would like her seed idea to be about her camping trip at Tomoka Park with her friends
Emily and her mom said one of her seed ideas would be about her camping trip at Tomoka Park with her friends.
From Will F. and his mom: Write a story about the time he got his puppy Maggie or about his step-dad restoring his classic mini-cooper wagon...
From Andrew F. and his mom: Our seed idea is about our new puppy, Biskit. Another seed idea is when we went to Universal Studios for Andrew's birthday.
From Steven M. and his mom: Family going on a trip to Mississippi. On the way, we hit a bump. A wheel came off our BBQ trailer, passed us, and went way down the highway. It got completely torn up. Dad pulled over without wrecking our truck.
From Brittany M. and her mom: Talk about our trip to Indiana, when we went to the art fair for Matilda Jane.
Emma and her mom's seed idea is about trying a new dance class and how much she loved it and seeing her friends there.
This is Christopher and his mom's idea: cat on a diet.
take from when i did swanton bomb!! on my couch. $callahan.c
Heather B. and her Dad's idea: The first time I meet my best friend.
Seed idea from Anastasia K and her mom: Write about how much fun she have in dance competitions and how much she loved it seeing her friends there.
Caleb and his dad's seed idea is playing flag football that begins this fall.
From Michael...
One of my seed ideas is to write about my puppy Bosco.
Another one of my seed ideas is to write about baseball. I pitched in the last inning of my baseball game Friday night.
write about how much fun you had at the Chets Creek carnival! Tell what friends and teachers you saw there, and what you had to eat!!!
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