A book review by M.O. Neill
“The Astonishing Journey of Teddy Bodain" is a story that will remain in your heart for months and months after you finish the book. Teddy Bodain is a character with whom all children, boy or girl, can connect. I teach 4th grade and I have witnessed just how much my students love and cherish this story. The story is written in a friendly letter format. I read one letter each day aloud to my students. Never have I read a book to a group of children who literally beg for more after the one letter has been read. When it is time for "Teddy Bodain" to be read aloud, my students clap! They cheer! Their faces light up! They sit on the edge of their seats anxiously waiting to hear what adventure Teddy will face that day. The students lose themselves in the story, allowing them to reflect back to how life was in the late 1800's. They are able to show character empathy to each and every character. My students wish they could be Teddy Bodain so they could have the chance to experience the same adventures that she does. The accountable talk that develops among the students after each letter is read is amazing. Teddy will become a best friend to anyone who reads this book. "The Astonishing Journey of Teddy Bodain" will touch your heart in more ways than you can imagine. Believe me. My heart is touched each time I read a letter. I know a group of 4th graders whose hearts have been touched as well. We have all found a treasure in this beautiful story.
“The Astonishing Journey of Teddy Bodain" is a story that will remain in your heart for months and months after you finish the book. Teddy Bodain is a character with whom all children, boy or girl, can connect. I teach 4th grade and I have witnessed just how much my students love and cherish this story. The story is written in a friendly letter format. I read one letter each day aloud to my students. Never have I read a book to a group of children who literally beg for more after the one letter has been read. When it is time for "Teddy Bodain" to be read aloud, my students clap! They cheer! Their faces light up! They sit on the edge of their seats anxiously waiting to hear what adventure Teddy will face that day. The students lose themselves in the story, allowing them to reflect back to how life was in the late 1800's. They are able to show character empathy to each and every character. My students wish they could be Teddy Bodain so they could have the chance to experience the same adventures that she does. The accountable talk that develops among the students after each letter is read is amazing. Teddy will become a best friend to anyone who reads this book. "The Astonishing Journey of Teddy Bodain" will touch your heart in more ways than you can imagine. Believe me. My heart is touched each time I read a letter. I know a group of 4th graders whose hearts have been touched as well. We have all found a treasure in this beautiful story.
The above book review expresses my thoughts perfectly. Now, we would love to hear the opinions from our 4th grade students. Tell the world what you think of "The Astonishing Journey of Teddy Bodain". What you have to say might be an inspiration for other readers!