I have never seen students so excited as they were today! They were on fire for learning their Spelling Words and their Vocabulary Words. What could have brought about this excitement you are probably wondering? Games, games, and more games! If you want to see for yourself what I am talking about, I challenge you to check out these websites, sit down with your child, and experience the excitement of learning. We thank our very own Zane for demonstrating how the games work. He loves to practice his words by playing these games.
For Spelling practice, go to: Spelling City
For Vocabulary practice, go to: Quizlet
Make sure that you write a comment, and let us know what you thought!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Addition and Subtraction Strategies on the Rise
On a recent math homework assessment, our students showed us some fantastic strategies for finding sums and differences. Here are a few of them:
Zane's strategy of Decomposing into Tens and One
Zane decomposed 27 into 10+10+7 and 14 into 10+2+2 and then used "left to right" addition to combine each of the partial sums.
Nathan subtracted three from the 14 and added three to the 27 to make a "simpler" problem: 30 + 11. By making the first addend a landmark number (30, a multiple of 10), he created an additon problem that could be solved using "mental math".
Camden begins at 27 on her open number line and then makes a "jump" of 10 to get to 37 (mental math problem), and another "jump" of 4 to get to 41.
With this strategy, Franchesca adds from "right to left". 7 + 4 is one "group of ten" and one "one" (11). Leaving the one "one" in the ones place, she then "regroups" the one group of ten to the tens place and combines it with the 2-tens and 1-ten that are already there.
Solving 74 - 36
Morgen's use of the Open Number Line for Subtraction 

Morgen starts at 74 on her open number line and subtracts 36 from 74 in five stages: 10, 10, 10, 4, and 2. This moves her back 36 on her open number line. Her ending position (38) on the number line represents the answer to this problem: 74 - 36 = 38.
Tekiyah subtracts six from both the minuend and subtrahend to "make the problem simpler". In subtracting the same amount from both parts of the subtraction problem, the difference (answer) is not changed (since the "distance" between the two numbers on a number line remains the same). 68 - 30 is a "mental math" probem, whereas the original problem 74-36 is not as easily solved without pencil and paper methods.
Eder first decomposes 74 into 70 + 4 and 36 into 30 + 6. He then subtracts his tens (70 - 30 = 40) and then his ones (4 - 6 = -2). Finally, Eder finds the difference in his two partial differences (40 and -2), which is 38.
Caleb subtracted from right-to-left. He decomposed 70 into 60 and 10 so that he could subtract 6 ones from 14 ones to get 8. This left him with subtracting 3 tens from 6 tens to get 3 tens. With regrouping, it is important for students to understand that the original number 74 (70 + 4) is still 74 once regrouping takes place (60 + 14 is STILL 74)- this decomposition of a group of ten to make ten ones simply makes subtracting in the ones place easier so that the result (difference) is NOT a negative number (compare back to Eder's strategy where, without regrouping, a negative number results in the ones place).
MATH ROCKS and so do our kids' strategies! Be sure to leave a comment noting your FAVORITE strategy when combining and comparing numbers.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Cover 50

math game
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Gathering Seed Ideas

Last week during Writer's Workshop, we created a list of thing writers can write about to add to our Writer’s Journals. These topics are called “Seed Ideas”, because like seeds, they will grow…into a story. We gathered ideas by sketching, collecting pictures from magazines and personal photos, writing down our wonderings, and paying close attention to the world around us and listing the things that we noticed. These Seed Ideas may eventually grow into fictional stories, personal narratives, reports, persuasive writing, poems, or functional writings.
Next week we will be focusing on choosing a seed idea for a personal narrative and developing a plan for our story. Personal narratives allow you to share your life with others. Your job as a writer is to put the reader in the midst of the action by letting him or her live through an experience. A good story creates a dramatic effect, makes us laugh, gives us pleasurable fright, and/or gets us on the edge of our seats. It is important that the students choose a seed idea from a personal memory that will develop into an engaging story.
Behavior Buck Challenge:
Students- Do you want to earn 5 Behavior Bucks this week? All you have to do is sit down with a parent and teach them about the parts of your Writing Journal. Then with your parent, choose some seed ideas that may turn into a great personal narrative and post them on our blog. By sharing ideas and reading what others have to say, we will learn and grow as writers. Good luck!
seed ideas,
writing lessons
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Studying Plants

We think plants are fascinating and are eager to learn more about them.
Happy Researching!
Mrs. Phillips and Mr. Pinchot
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