Want to brush up on some Reading Skills over the break , have fun, and earn BEHAVIOR BUCKS? You have come to the right place. Work on Destination Success or FCAT Explorer over the break.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Community Contributions
Our third grade students in the 4-corners classes sure have caught the spirit of giving. Each day in all four classes, students have been bringing in canned, bagged, and boxed non-perishable food for the needy. They have also been bringing in pet bedding, blankets, cages, and treats for our homeless furry friends at the Humane Society. Here's how it happened: After brainstorming with our students about what we could do to help others and give back to the community, they came up with these two service projects. They wanted to collect as much food as they could for the hungry to brighten up their holidays and fill their stomachs. They also wanted to provide homeless dogs and cats with a more comfortable environment while they are patiently waiting to be adopted. Because of the kindness and empathy of our students, these two projects came to fruition. We are collecting for those less fortunate until this Friday, December 11th. Stay tuned to a future blog which will let you know how much we collected. Our students are so excited to experience the kind and simple act of giving. They realize that when we reach out and give to others, we touch lives, and really can make a difference in this world.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Supplementals for Math and Science

New links are now available on our blog (far left column) to enhance what we are studying in Math and Science!
In the Math section, there are links for building fluency with multiplication facts (the Car Wash Multiplication Game link is especially fun), and the Math U See link offers skill building practice with doubles facts (a current focus for those students who do not know them fluently) and general fact practice with addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Some of our students might also be interested in challenging themselves with the division practice available here now that we have spent recent weeks developing this concept as well.
In the Science section, there is a Science Textbook link so that students can read (or reread) the lesson from our classroom textbook which correlates to what we are currently studying in class. We just started our unit on Matter (Ch. 10), which will be our focus for the next 4 weeks!
We hope you enjoy these awesome new resources to compliment what we are learning in school.
:-) Ms. Phillips
Friday, October 9, 2009
Pronouns "I" and "Me"
Our Language Skill Lesson this week is when to properly use the pronouns "I" and "me". The word "I" is used in the subject (tells who or what) part of a sentence. The word "me" is used in the predicate (after the verb) part of the sentence.
Shanel and I rode bikes on the beach.
(The pronoun "I" is in the subject of the sentence.
Shanel rode bikes with me on the beach.
(The pronoun "me" is in the predicate part of the sentence and is written after the verb "rode".)
To practice this skill, visit this website: http://jc-schools.net/write/ppt/I-me.ppt
Shanel and I rode bikes on the beach.
(The pronoun "I" is in the subject of the sentence.
Shanel rode bikes with me on the beach.
(The pronoun "me" is in the predicate part of the sentence and is written after the verb "rode".)
To practice this skill, visit this website: http://jc-schools.net/write/ppt/I-me.ppt
language skill,
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The 7 Habits of Happy Kids
The 7 Habits of Happy Kids
By Sean Covey
Have you heard your child coming home and telling his or her sibling to be more proactive, begin with the end in mind, or put first things first? Well, there is a good reason for this! We, at 4-corners, are teaching our students powerful principles that will enrich their lives and make them happy by being more successful. These principles are responsibility, vision, respect, teamwork, and balance. Each week, we read a chapter from Sean Covey’s picture book, The 7 Habits of Happy Kids, and we teach a “habit”. We practice this “habit” throughout the week at school and at home. So far we have taught the students the first three habits. The first habit is Be Proactive which means You’re in Charge. The first chapter title is Bored! Bored! Bored! Our students learned that they need to take charge of their own life and stop playing the victim. They learned that they are in charge of their own fun and that they can make it happen just like the character Sammy Squirrel did when he took responsibility for his boredom and found something productive to do. He made a get-well present for his friend, Allie, who was home sick in bed. Sammy learned that he is in charge of his own choices. The second habit we learned is Begin with the End in Mind which means to Have a Plan. This chapter title is Goob and the Bug-Collecting Kit. We learned that if we have a written plan of goals like Goob did, we can work for something that we want to buy like his bug-collecting kit. He not only earned the money ($10.00) by selling lemonade, but he was able to buy his $4.00 bug-collecting kit, a $2.00 mirror for Tagalong Allie’s birthday present, a slice of honey pizza for $1.00, go to the movies for $1.00, take his friend Jumper to the movies for $1.00 (who had previously spent all of his money on junk), and still have $1.00 left to put in his savings bank. Our students have written a school goal that they want to accomplish in 3rd grade. They wrote down their goal, their time frame for meeting their goal, taking their first step, and the steps they need to work towards their goal. We learned that “A goal not written is only a wish.” Our third habit is Put First Things First which means Work First, Then Play. In reading the third chapter, titled Pokey and the Spelling Test, we learned Pokey needed to study a little bit each night to do well on his spelling test, instead of putting off his studying night after night by playing with different friends. He learned to delay gratification and do the hard thing first. Procrastination made him feel awful, but being prepared made him feel great. Our students have been given a survey of what activities they do. They have also been given a time management sheet where they will document their time spent on their daily activities for one whole day. They are learning the meaning of what a wise person once said, “Do what you have to do, so you can do what you want to do.”
*Stay tuned in to more lessons on what your child is learning in The 7 Habits of Happy Kids! Please leave us a comment on your thoughts of these lessons.
By Sean Covey
Have you heard your child coming home and telling his or her sibling to be more proactive, begin with the end in mind, or put first things first? Well, there is a good reason for this! We, at 4-corners, are teaching our students powerful principles that will enrich their lives and make them happy by being more successful. These principles are responsibility, vision, respect, teamwork, and balance. Each week, we read a chapter from Sean Covey’s picture book, The 7 Habits of Happy Kids, and we teach a “habit”. We practice this “habit” throughout the week at school and at home. So far we have taught the students the first three habits. The first habit is Be Proactive which means You’re in Charge. The first chapter title is Bored! Bored! Bored! Our students learned that they need to take charge of their own life and stop playing the victim. They learned that they are in charge of their own fun and that they can make it happen just like the character Sammy Squirrel did when he took responsibility for his boredom and found something productive to do. He made a get-well present for his friend, Allie, who was home sick in bed. Sammy learned that he is in charge of his own choices. The second habit we learned is Begin with the End in Mind which means to Have a Plan. This chapter title is Goob and the Bug-Collecting Kit. We learned that if we have a written plan of goals like Goob did, we can work for something that we want to buy like his bug-collecting kit. He not only earned the money ($10.00) by selling lemonade, but he was able to buy his $4.00 bug-collecting kit, a $2.00 mirror for Tagalong Allie’s birthday present, a slice of honey pizza for $1.00, go to the movies for $1.00, take his friend Jumper to the movies for $1.00 (who had previously spent all of his money on junk), and still have $1.00 left to put in his savings bank. Our students have written a school goal that they want to accomplish in 3rd grade. They wrote down their goal, their time frame for meeting their goal, taking their first step, and the steps they need to work towards their goal. We learned that “A goal not written is only a wish.” Our third habit is Put First Things First which means Work First, Then Play. In reading the third chapter, titled Pokey and the Spelling Test, we learned Pokey needed to study a little bit each night to do well on his spelling test, instead of putting off his studying night after night by playing with different friends. He learned to delay gratification and do the hard thing first. Procrastination made him feel awful, but being prepared made him feel great. Our students have been given a survey of what activities they do. They have also been given a time management sheet where they will document their time spent on their daily activities for one whole day. They are learning the meaning of what a wise person once said, “Do what you have to do, so you can do what you want to do.”
*Stay tuned in to more lessons on what your child is learning in The 7 Habits of Happy Kids! Please leave us a comment on your thoughts of these lessons.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Skills Block Practice
I have never seen students so excited as they were today! They were on fire for learning their Spelling Words and their Vocabulary Words. What could have brought about this excitement you are probably wondering? Games, games, and more games! If you want to see for yourself what I am talking about, I challenge you to check out these websites, sit down with your child, and experience the excitement of learning. We thank our very own Zane for demonstrating how the games work. He loves to practice his words by playing these games.
For Spelling practice, go to: Spelling City
For Vocabulary practice, go to: Quizlet
Make sure that you write a comment, and let us know what you thought!
For Spelling practice, go to: Spelling City
For Vocabulary practice, go to: Quizlet
Make sure that you write a comment, and let us know what you thought!
interactive language games,
Monday, September 28, 2009
Addition and Subtraction Strategies on the Rise
On a recent math homework assessment, our students showed us some fantastic strategies for finding sums and differences. Here are a few of them:
Zane's strategy of Decomposing into Tens and One
Zane decomposed 27 into 10+10+7 and 14 into 10+2+2 and then used "left to right" addition to combine each of the partial sums.
Nathan subtracted three from the 14 and added three to the 27 to make a "simpler" problem: 30 + 11. By making the first addend a landmark number (30, a multiple of 10), he created an additon problem that could be solved using "mental math".
Camden begins at 27 on her open number line and then makes a "jump" of 10 to get to 37 (mental math problem), and another "jump" of 4 to get to 41.
With this strategy, Franchesca adds from "right to left". 7 + 4 is one "group of ten" and one "one" (11). Leaving the one "one" in the ones place, she then "regroups" the one group of ten to the tens place and combines it with the 2-tens and 1-ten that are already there.
Solving 74 - 36
Morgen's use of the Open Number Line for Subtraction 

Morgen starts at 74 on her open number line and subtracts 36 from 74 in five stages: 10, 10, 10, 4, and 2. This moves her back 36 on her open number line. Her ending position (38) on the number line represents the answer to this problem: 74 - 36 = 38.
Tekiyah subtracts six from both the minuend and subtrahend to "make the problem simpler". In subtracting the same amount from both parts of the subtraction problem, the difference (answer) is not changed (since the "distance" between the two numbers on a number line remains the same). 68 - 30 is a "mental math" probem, whereas the original problem 74-36 is not as easily solved without pencil and paper methods.
Eder first decomposes 74 into 70 + 4 and 36 into 30 + 6. He then subtracts his tens (70 - 30 = 40) and then his ones (4 - 6 = -2). Finally, Eder finds the difference in his two partial differences (40 and -2), which is 38.
Caleb subtracted from right-to-left. He decomposed 70 into 60 and 10 so that he could subtract 6 ones from 14 ones to get 8. This left him with subtracting 3 tens from 6 tens to get 3 tens. With regrouping, it is important for students to understand that the original number 74 (70 + 4) is still 74 once regrouping takes place (60 + 14 is STILL 74)- this decomposition of a group of ten to make ten ones simply makes subtracting in the ones place easier so that the result (difference) is NOT a negative number (compare back to Eder's strategy where, without regrouping, a negative number results in the ones place).
MATH ROCKS and so do our kids' strategies! Be sure to leave a comment noting your FAVORITE strategy when combining and comparing numbers.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Cover 50

math game
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Gathering Seed Ideas

Last week during Writer's Workshop, we created a list of thing writers can write about to add to our Writer’s Journals. These topics are called “Seed Ideas”, because like seeds, they will grow…into a story. We gathered ideas by sketching, collecting pictures from magazines and personal photos, writing down our wonderings, and paying close attention to the world around us and listing the things that we noticed. These Seed Ideas may eventually grow into fictional stories, personal narratives, reports, persuasive writing, poems, or functional writings.
Next week we will be focusing on choosing a seed idea for a personal narrative and developing a plan for our story. Personal narratives allow you to share your life with others. Your job as a writer is to put the reader in the midst of the action by letting him or her live through an experience. A good story creates a dramatic effect, makes us laugh, gives us pleasurable fright, and/or gets us on the edge of our seats. It is important that the students choose a seed idea from a personal memory that will develop into an engaging story.
Behavior Buck Challenge:
Students- Do you want to earn 5 Behavior Bucks this week? All you have to do is sit down with a parent and teach them about the parts of your Writing Journal. Then with your parent, choose some seed ideas that may turn into a great personal narrative and post them on our blog. By sharing ideas and reading what others have to say, we will learn and grow as writers. Good luck!
seed ideas,
writing lessons
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Studying Plants

We think plants are fascinating and are eager to learn more about them.
Happy Researching!
Mrs. Phillips and Mr. Pinchot
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Welcome to our blog. We are very excited about our upcoming year in 3rd Grade for the upcoming 2009-2010 school year! We can not wait to meet our new students at Orientation on Friday, August 21st. (Any posts that you view prior to this entry reflect our 4th grade experiences from the 2008-2009 school year where we traveled "Around the World in 180 Days".) We hope that all of our former and rising students have had a restful and enjoyable summer and we also hope that everyone is ready to put forth 100% effort in the upcoming year.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Exploring Simple Machines

Click HERE to explore four areas of a house and identify 40 different simple machines.
There are 10 in each room: Garage, Bathroom, Kitchen, and Bedroom.
Have fun!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
May4-8 News Show
Make sure to leave a question or comment about what we have learned this week!
weekly classroom news
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Weekly News Update April 27-May1
Enjoy our broadcast. Congratulations to all the reporters. You worked so hard to produce a wonderful show this week!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Part Two of Chets D.C. Adventure

I went out to a fancy restaurant Friday night and tried Calamari for the first time. Have you ever had it before? I also had the most yummy chocolate dessert with strawberries on top. It was the best!
On Saturday, I got to tour the Arlington National Cemetary. It was amazing. I got to see the Eternal Flame where President Kennedy is burried and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and watch the changing of the guards. There were a lot of veterans from World War II there. Everyone clapped for them and thanked them for their service. It made me very proud to be an American bear! None of my ancestors are burried at Arlington. Are yours? After that, I went to the National Portrait Gallery and saw some amazing portraits of our past presidents. It was amazing.
I headed back to the airport Saturday afternoon and we made it into the Jacksonville airport at midnight. I had a great trip, but boy am I tired. I missed you all and am glad to be back at school with you!
Love, Chet
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Weekly News Update April 20
We hope you enjoy this weeks episode. Please leave us a comment with a question or comment about what we have learned this week. Thanks for watching!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Chet Goes to DC!

In the afternoon, I got to go on a tour of Washington DC. Mrs. Phillips let me hold her camera and take all of the pictures. Check out the pictures I took below. Leave a comment if you know anything about any of the places I visited. I would love to learn more.
Love, Chet
Sunday, April 19, 2009
April 13-17 Weekly News
Enjoy this episode of our News Show. Make sure to leave a question or comment about what we are learning on our blog.
Lady Liberty Live

Sunday, April 12, 2009
April 10th Weekly News Show
You will need to pause the video and let it load all the way before you watch it. Make sure that you have a parent or friend leave a question or comment to earn behavoir bucks!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The Four Corners Students are NOT Big Chickens!
...when it comes to technology, that is. Here are our reponses to the book of the month from Mr.Pinchot, Ms.Launey, Mrs.Lopez, and Mrs.Phillip's classes.
We decided to let the children chose how to respond. They had a choice between acting in a readers theater, or drawing and doing a voice over about the Story Elements. Enjoy our reponses:
Ms.Lopez Homeroom Reader's Theater from melissalauney on Vimeo.
Untitled from melissalauney on Vimeo.
Lopez/Phillips Audio Visual Responses from melissalauney on Vimeo.
To see other Big Chicken technology responses from Chets Creek Elementary, click here!
Launey/Pinchot Audio-Visual Responses from melissalauney on Vimeo
We decided to let the children chose how to respond. They had a choice between acting in a readers theater, or drawing and doing a voice over about the Story Elements. Enjoy our reponses:
Ms.Lopez Homeroom Reader's Theater from melissalauney on Vimeo.
Untitled from melissalauney on Vimeo.
Lopez/Phillips Audio Visual Responses from melissalauney on Vimeo.
To see other Big Chicken technology responses from Chets Creek Elementary, click here!
Launey/Pinchot Audio-Visual Responses from melissalauney on Vimeo
Sunday, March 22, 2009
News Show March 20
Here is our News Show from the past week. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into our classrooms. Please leave a comment or question. (MAKE SURE YOU LET IT LOAD ALL THE WAY BEFORE YOU PLAY IT....OTHERWISE IT WILL CONTINUE TO BUFFER!:)
Untitled from melissalauney on Vimeo.
Untitled from melissalauney on Vimeo.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
How Hard Does Our Heart Work?

Click HERE to see the video clip we used to close our lesson today which shows and discusses how the heart works.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tikatok Writing Contest- My Advice to the 44th President!

Hello students! I have a wonderful writing oppurtunity for you! Charisten, a student from Mr.Pinchot's homeroom, brought in a flier from one of her favorite websites, TIKATOK. It is a website that allows you to create books online!
Here is the challenge:
Write a story titled, "My Advice to the 44th President"
Barack Obama just became the nation’s 44th president. Pretend you have the chance to have lunch with President Obama. What would you advise him to do as President?
How do you think he can help the country in 2009? Be sure to include colorful illustrations to support your story.
How do you think he can help the country in 2009? Be sure to include colorful illustrations to support your story.
What can I win?
The winner for “My Advice to the 44th President” will receive
complimentary paperback copies of their stories and have
copies of their stories sent to President Obama himself.
complimentary paperback copies of their stories and have
copies of their stories sent to President Obama himself.
Turn your entry in to Ms.Launey by Friday to be entered in the contest and earn 25 behavior bucks!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Weekly News Broadcast- Feb.27th
Thank you to all of our viewers out there who have left comments. The students are enjoying creating their reports with an audience in mind.
Also, check out our new standards-based board in the hallway behind Mrs.Lopez-Sinclair's and Ms.Launey's Classrooms. You will find an inside look at the creation of the Four Corners News and a spotlight of each of last week's reporters.
(Make sure you let the video load before your start it. Otherwise, there will be a lot of skipping.)
Untitled from melissalauney on Vimeo.
Also, check out our new standards-based board in the hallway behind Mrs.Lopez-Sinclair's and Ms.Launey's Classrooms. You will find an inside look at the creation of the Four Corners News and a spotlight of each of last week's reporters.
(Make sure you let the video load before your start it. Otherwise, there will be a lot of skipping.)
Untitled from melissalauney on Vimeo.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Strategies for Multiplication
This week in Math Workshop students are exploring several different strategies for finding the product of two two-digit factors. Below are the four most frequently used methods among our students.

Separate Listing of Partial Products for Traditional Algorithm
Mateo shows his understanding of how the traditional algorithm works in the order that he lists the partial products for each step in the algorithm process for multiplying two two-digit numbers. Instead of regrouping, he lists partial products separately, and then combines all four together to get the final product for 32 x 21. Can you see a connection between Mateo's partial products and Alexis' partial products in the above example?
Multiplication Clusters
There are numerous ways to decompose one of the factors in a multiplication problem in order to make a "cluster" (group) of smaller problems which combine to solve the larger problem. Students decompose one of the factors while keeping the other factor constant. Below, Allison's work shows that 32 can be decomposed into 30 and 2 while 21 remains constant, so that 30 x 21 (30 "groups of" 21) and 2 x 21 can combi
ne to solve for 32 x 21. Each of these smaller problems usually can be calculated using mental math, since at least one of the factors is either a one-digit number or a multiple of 10. 30 x 21 can be solved by knowing that a "related problem", 3 x 21, equals 63. Therefore, 30 x 21 equals 630. She also shows, in her second example, that 21 can be decomposed into 20 + 1 so
that mental math can be used to find 21 groups of 32.
There are numerous ways to decompose one of the factors in a multiplication problem in order to make a "cluster" (group) of smaller problems which combine to solve the larger problem. Students decompose one of the factors while keeping the other factor constant. Below, Allison's work shows that 32 can be decomposed into 30 and 2 while 21 remains constant, so that 30 x 21 (30 "groups of" 21) and 2 x 21 can combi

Generic Rectangle Alexis shows her understanding of how this model is used when both factors are decomposed (32 into 30 + 2 and 21 into 20 + 1). Each cell in the rectangle contains the product of the row and column
number. Once these are calculated (primarily through the use of mental math strategies due to the simplistic representation of each number as either a one-digit number or multiple of 10), all partial products are combined together to achieve the final product for 32 x 21.

Separate Listing of Partial Products for Traditional Algorithm
Mateo shows his understanding of how the traditional algorithm works in the order that he lists the partial products for each step in the algorithm process for multiplying two two-digit numbers. Instead of regrouping, he lists partial products separately, and then combines all four together to get the final product for 32 x 21. Can you see a connection between Mateo's partial products and Alexis' partial products in the above example?
Jaeda shows an understanding of the procedures for using the traditional algorithm for multiplying two-digit numbers. The traditional algorithm is typically seen as an "efficient" way of finding the product of two factors, and we encourage students to use this method as long as they have a conceptual understanding of what it means to multiply two digit numbers and that they have another strategy of finding the product of two numbers (such as one of the strategies showcased in the preceding examples).
Monday, February 23, 2009
Four Corners News - Feb. 17-20
You will want to wait until the video loads to start it. That way you won't have any pauses. Enjoy!
Weekly News Update Feb 13 from melissalauney on Vimeo.
The students worked very hard on the News Report this week. All the reports were written and typed by the students themselves. Enjoy learning about what is going on in the Four Corners Classrooms!
Weekly News Update Feb 13 from melissalauney on Vimeo.
The students worked very hard on the News Report this week. All the reports were written and typed by the students themselves. Enjoy learning about what is going on in the Four Corners Classrooms!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
What's Your Function? Investigations of Major Body Parts
Role: You are a Major Part Within a Body System
During the course of the next two months, students are going to be studying six major systems in the human body. To facilitate this process, students are going to work as paired partners to research the lungs, brain, spinal cord, heart, stomach, liver, intestines, major bones, kidneys, and muscles (voluntary and involuntary).
Student Tasks:
Research: Identify your “major part’s” role within your larger body system.
Find Out: What major system is your “major part” a part of? What job (role) are you responsible for? What is your relationship to other parts of the body system of which you are part in? What would happen to the body system if you were hurt? (What are diseases that affect your body system?) How can you keep this body system healthy? What is a relative size and weight of your body part?
Research: Identify your body system’s relationship to another body system.
Find Out: How does your body system help the other system do its job? How does the other system help your body system do your job?
Following their research, students will prepare a visual by tracing around the body of one group member. They will then use this template to identify and label their "major part" along with related / interrelated other parts and systems.
The six major systems we will study are: Respiratory, Circulatory, Nervous, Digestive, Muscular, and Skeletal. The students will be required to find out how the "major part" they are researching relates to one of these main systems.
During the course of the next two months, students are going to be studying six major systems in the human body. To facilitate this process, students are going to work as paired partners to research the lungs, brain, spinal cord, heart, stomach, liver, intestines, major bones, kidneys, and muscles (voluntary and involuntary).
Student Tasks:
Research: Identify your “major part’s” role within your larger body system.
Find Out: What major system is your “major part” a part of? What job (role) are you responsible for? What is your relationship to other parts of the body system of which you are part in? What would happen to the body system if you were hurt? (What are diseases that affect your body system?) How can you keep this body system healthy? What is a relative size and weight of your body part?
Research: Identify your body system’s relationship to another body system.
Find Out: How does your body system help the other system do its job? How does the other system help your body system do your job?
Following their research, students will prepare a visual by tracing around the body of one group member. They will then use this template to identify and label their "major part" along with related / interrelated other parts and systems.
The six major systems we will study are: Respiratory, Circulatory, Nervous, Digestive, Muscular, and Skeletal. The students will be required to find out how the "major part" they are researching relates to one of these main systems.
Student Research Links (CLICK ONE): How the Body Works, Kid's Health, Yucky Discovery, Biology 4 Kids
Other Helpful Places: Digestive System, Nervous System, Muscular System, Skeletal System, Respiratory, Circulatory
AskJeeves- use this search engine for kids to get answers to your specific human body questions
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Combining Fractions

Hey kids.
Check out this site if you are still needing extra practice with finding common denominators in order to combine (add) fractions. It might really make grasping the concept easier for you. And, you might have fun in the process! Click Here.
If you would like to practice finding the "Least Common Multiple" at a similar site, Click Here.
Ms. Phillips
Monday, February 9, 2009
Edible Cells

We added additional distinguishing features to our plant cell, including green candy (chloroplasts) and Pretzel sticks (cell wall).
The students really enjoyed this hands-on experience. What a fun way to learn to distinguish between the two types of cells and to grasp all of the unfamiliar vocabulary related to cells as we prepare to transition our focus into learning about six major human body systems! Science is Fun!

Students, are you interested in a fun way to review for your Cells Assessment? Click this link for a virtual tour of cells: Click Me.
plant and animal cells,
science lab
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Weekly News Report- Feb. 2-6
Watch this week's episode with your parents and have them leave a question or comment. You will earn 5 behavior bucks!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Weekly News Report- January 26-30
Make sure you watch this week's episode with a parent and have them leave a comment or question about what we have learned. You will earn 5 Behavior Bucks!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Four Corners News- Week of January 20
Don't forget to watch this week's episode with a parent. If they leave a comment or question you earn 5 behavior bucks!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration Day

Your teachers certainly hope that you will remember this special and historical day for a very long time! Have you shared the experience with your families of watching the Inauguration on television today while at school with your classmates? Did someone else in your family also watch (or possibly attend) this memorable event?
Think about the words that were spoken and all of the patriotism and pride evident throughout the entire ceremony. Also, reflect on the part of today's ceremony today that meant the most to you and share your thoughts with someone you care about.
If you are eager to learn more about this memorable day, check out the NEW presidential blog! If you choose to visit this site to learn more, be sure to come back and make a comment to this post to share what you have learned. Enjoy!
Inauguration Day,
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Jan.12-15 Weekly Wrap-Up
Make sure you watch this report with your parents and have them leave a comment! You will be awarded 5 behavior bucks!
classroom news,
school news show
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My name is Lindsay Frohman. I am a senior at the University of North Florida and am interning in Mrs. Phillips and Mr. Pinchot's fourth grade classroom. I am studying Elementary Education. I am so honored to be doing my internship at such a wonderful school. Throughout the past four years I have been working with different students and teachers around the Jacksonville area. I have had two pre-intenrships, one being at Greenfield Elementary and the other at Brentwood Elementary. This spring I will be working with the fourth grade team but I will primarily be in Mrs. Phillips and Mr. Pinchot's room. From January until the middle of April, I will have the roles and responsibilities of an everyday teacher. I am truly excited to share this learning experience with your child. My goal is to learn as much as I can to become the best teacher I can be. I am always open to learning new things and expanding my knowledge on topics. I have always been really passionate about education and believe that I can make a difference in how students learn. I look forward to working with your child and meeting each and everyone of you throughout the school year at Chets Creek Elementary.
Lindsay Frohman
Monday, January 12, 2009
Presidential Task 2
Are you ready for your second task as the President's Spainish Culture Expert?
Find two different cultural events for the president to attend while he is in Spain. Come back and give some information about the events. You will earn 2 Behavior Bucks for each event you report on. Click on the websites below to help you find out the information to complete your task. Have fun!

Find two different cultural events for the president to attend while he is in Spain. Come back and give some information about the events. You will earn 2 Behavior Bucks for each event you report on. Click on the websites below to help you find out the information to complete your task. Have fun!
Spain webquest
Sunday, January 11, 2009
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