Friday was finally here! The highly anticipated “Auction” took place with all 90 students. Yes, you read it right…90 students! They were all housed in the large Phillips/Pinchot co-teach room. All 90 students came armed with their Behavior Bucks ready to bid on an item of their choice. Excitement rose as the auctioneer called out, “Who’ll give 2 dollars, 2 dollars, 2 dollars, now 3 dollars, now 4 dollars…sold to the highest bidder for $4.00!” What a thrill to see the winner, money in tote, speed walking with a brimming smile up to the auctioneer to pay for and collect the winning item! Talk about engaged students! The room was bubbling with excitement. After auctioning off many items, the auction ended with 90 students who couldn’t wait to earn more money. But how do they do this?
Do you want to know how to positively motivate, encourage, and reward your students for doing the right thing? Here’s what we do at the Lopez, Launey, Phillips, Pinchot 4- Corners. We “catch” our students behaving exceptionally well, committing random acts of kindness, going above and beyond our expectations, giving back to our learning community, etc. When they are “caught”, they are rewarded with a Behavior Buck (a green simulated-looking dollar). Here at 4- Corners, all four teachers believe in Positive Discipline. We would rather mold and build outstanding character by rewarding learners who “do the right thing”, than spend our time focusing on negative behavior. We have found that children want to do what is right. They just need to see it modeled and see that it “pays” to be an honorable and upstanding citizen. So, what do they do with these earned Behavior Bucks? They spend them at our auction when they want to bid on something. What a positive way to motivate students to do the right thing! Where do we get these items to auction? We get donated items from our loving, generous, and supportive parents. Our students clean out their play rooms and with permission from their parents donate “almost new” items. Teachers also contribute things they find on sale. We are always in need of donations because we have an auction every Friday! We would like to personally thank all of the parents who donated to our auction.
-Mrs. Lopez, Ms. Launey, Mrs. Phillips, Mr. Pinchot
The 4 - Corner Team
Do you want to know how to positively motivate, encourage, and reward your students for doing the right thing? Here’s what we do at the Lopez, Launey, Phillips, Pinchot 4- Corners. We “catch” our students behaving exceptionally well, committing random acts of kindness, going above and beyond our expectations, giving back to our learning community, etc. When they are “caught”, they are rewarded with a Behavior Buck (a green simulated-looking dollar). Here at 4- Corners, all four teachers believe in Positive Discipline. We would rather mold and build outstanding character by rewarding learners who “do the right thing”, than spend our time focusing on negative behavior. We have found that children want to do what is right. They just need to see it modeled and see that it “pays” to be an honorable and upstanding citizen. So, what do they do with these earned Behavior Bucks? They spend them at our auction when they want to bid on something. What a positive way to motivate students to do the right thing! Where do we get these items to auction? We get donated items from our loving, generous, and supportive parents. Our students clean out their play rooms and with permission from their parents donate “almost new” items. Teachers also contribute things they find on sale. We are always in need of donations because we have an auction every Friday! We would like to personally thank all of the parents who donated to our auction.
-Mrs. Lopez, Ms. Launey, Mrs. Phillips, Mr. Pinchot
The 4 - Corner Team