New links are now available on our blog (far left column) to enhance what we are studying in Math and Science!
In the Math section, there are links for building fluency with multiplication facts (the Car Wash Multiplication Game link is especially fun), and the Math U See link offers skill building practice with doubles facts (a current focus for those students who do not know them fluently) and general fact practice with addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Some of our students might also be interested in challenging themselves with the division practice available here now that we have spent recent weeks developing this concept as well.
In the Science section, there is a Science Textbook link so that students can read (or reread) the lesson from our classroom textbook which correlates to what we are currently studying in class. We just started our unit on Matter (Ch. 10), which will be our focus for the next 4 weeks!
We hope you enjoy these awesome new resources to compliment what we are learning in school.
:-) Ms. Phillips